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C ইউনিট || জাতীয় কবি কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2008


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The hose in a stable is put by them.
A stable for the horse is put by them.
The horse is being put by them in a stable.
The hose are being put in a stable.
Lack of interest
To receive the destruction.
To avoid the bad effect of river eroson.
To receive the main destruction force.
None of these.
Beggars must be choosers
Beggars must not be choosers
Alms rice has no choise
Alms rice has choice
If i were a bird, I would have flown
If i were a bird, I would fly
If I were a bird, I flown
If I were a bird, I flying
none of these
blush: pallor
snore: relief
sneer: contempt
smile: anger
Can they tell you what time the movie starts?
Can they say you what time does the movie start?
Can they tell you what time does the movie starts?
Can they tell you what time does the movie starts?
I have been eating rice for 8pm
I have been eating rice since 8pm
I have been eating rice for 8pm
I am been eating rice for 8pm
The teacher said that Fahim was good and kind and he has helped everyone.
The teacher said that Fahim had been good and kind and he had helped everyone.
The teacher said that Fahim had been good and kind and he had helped everyone.
The teacher said that Fahim was good and kind and he had helped everyone.